Emergency Fund Calculator
(I'm slowly moving my shop out of Gumroad, but you can still download this template from my Notion profile.)
I recently discovered that the emergency fund multiple varies based on work/employment type so I wanted to build a template to show me how that would look like by the numbers.
Navigation guide to the template is via the YouTube video. :)
About the Creator
Hi, I'm Erika! I’m a Notion Certified & Featured Creator.
I love systems-thinking and use Notion to explore lifestyle and business solutions drawing from a hybrid experience in sales, operations, marketing, and finance.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Notion?
Notion is a free-to-use single digital space where you can think, write, and plan. Capture thoughts, manage projects, or even run an entire company — and do it exactly the way you want. -
Does this template work on the Free version of Notion?
Yes, all you need is a free account. However, AI features will need a plus account. -
How will I receive this template?
Once you've completed the purchase, you'll be redirected to a page with a link to the Notion template where you can click Duplicate in the upper right corner to copy it to your Notion workspace. -
Can I share this with anyone else?
No. This product has a private license, and must only be used for personal use. -
Can I get a refund after purchasing this template?
Once purchased, you can immediately access and duplicate the template for your own use. Therefore, refunds are not an option. -
How can I contact you if I have any questions?
You can contact me through my Instagram for smaller inquiries and via e-mail for more comprehensive ones at systemswitherika@gmail.com. - Can I be an affiliate and make money with you?Yes, click here to become an affiliate.
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